If you’re reading this part of the website, you either legitimately want to know how Casual Industrees was started or you think there's some magical formula hidden in here telling you how to get your brand off the ground. Or both. I will tell you to the best of my knowledge about the company. The secret formula will be sent to you once you sign up for the newsletter.
The idea of a company was started in the Winter of 98/99. The 2 brothers that found it worked at Mt. Baker, lived by Mt. Baker, and then were fired by Mt. Baker. We’ll call them Dan and Brendo Reid.

1999 marked the year of "billboard" sweatshirts. Big logos representing only the company name and not the culture. Instead of supporting this movement, they decided to create their own sweatshirts. They peddled the first run in the parking lot of Mt. Baker out of Brendan’s car. Fortunately they did the smart thing and rolled the money back into the company to make more product. Side Note: the seed money came from the damage deposit from their house on the Mt. Baker Highway. It was about 2Gs which isn’t bad, but you have to remember it was in the hands of 2 college kids. There are plenty of irresponsible pleasures that money could have bought.

After passing through some temporary locations and still unemployed, Dan and Brendo setup shop in West Seattle. They bought a house with one of those predatory loans back in 2005 (not suggesting you do that, but it clearly worked itself out in our favor). This was where “the Magic happened”, but not sexual magic or anything weird like that. Over the course of 3-4 years people that started off interning became employees.
The basement became our unofficial office, the living room was used for order fulfillment and the garage housed the screen printing press. Keep in mind, people were still renting rooms out of the house while we worked downstairs. It was very unique and really awkward at times. Lots of crazy shit happened there. Sometimes I forget some of it was real. We called this HQ our home for 10 years. You can see our trials and tribulations on The Brahg (RIP).

For those wanting to know the “Secret Formula”, it's really more of an organic process. The right timing, the environment of “the office” and most importantly the right people. These people are called witches. They brew up the success juice and we all turn up and become the Lost Boys led by Kiefer Sutherland. I wish I was making this up. But it’s half true. But Seriously, if you get the right group of people together growth is inevitable and great things can happen. The WuTang Clan, Death Row Records, Biker Mice From Mars, the list goes on.
Fast forward to the Present. 2014 marks a new chapter in Casual history. We moved the operation to Seattle’s iconic Rainier Brewery. For those not familiar with The Rainier Brewery in Seattle, it would be like moving your crew into the Statue of Liberty and popping bottles in the torch. Lots of high fives, laughing and dick jokes in the torch. You get what I mean, it's awesome! We’re very excited for this new chapter and will continue to put the Northwest on the map.